Trideviyaan is an Indian Hindi Thriller television series, which is broadcast on SAB TV. The series is produced by Full House Media of Amir Jaffar and Sonali Jaffar. The series aired on Monday-Friday on 9:30 pm.
The plot follows the story of two girls – Dhanashree a.k.a. Dhanu (Aishwarya Sakhuja) and Tanushree a.k.a. Tanu (Samaira Rao)- who are caring housewives and also, work as secret agents for their father in law, Dinanath Chauhan (Rituraj Singh (actor)) alias Agent Himalaya. Dhanu alias Agent Lal Qila is married to Dinanath’s elder son Shaurya Chauhan (Anshul Trivedi) who is a police inspector and Tanu alias Agent Hawa Mahal is about to be married to Dinanath’s younger son, Garv Chauhan (Winy Tripathi) who is a crime news reporter. On their wedding day, Tanu confesses to Dinanath that she loves Garv but she cannot marry him due to her profession of a secret agent. But Dinanath is aware of her secret and then he mentions that she would continue in her profession and would join his secret army with another agent. Tanu then gladly accepts her marriage to Garv and also thinks that the agent who would be joining her is her brother-in-law, Shaurya. But, as the wedding was about to get over, a group of thieves threaten the entire Chauhan family and they are taken to a distant place. There it is revealed to us that the second agent is Dhanu! The duo then beat up the goons and all the family members manage to escape. But Garv and Tanu are unable to spend time together on their wedding night as Tanu is called to Dinanath’s secret lab where she is introduced to many new gadgets. But one day, Dinanath’s younger daughter Manya a.k.a. Manu (Shalini Sahuta) comes to know about the trio’s secret and wants to join their team as “Agent Qutub Minar.” On a fake mission, Manu saves her co -agents and gets permission to receive training and become an agent and the agents are then known as “Trideviyaan”. They always manage to hide their secret identity from Dinanath’s wife Suhasini Chauhan, his mother, Shaurya and Garv. With Dhanu’s muscular power, Tanu’s speed and Manu’s power of voice, they pose as the most formidable team.