Krishnadasi (English: Krishna’s Devotee) is an Indian fiction television series, which premiered on 25 January 2016, and is broadcast on Colors TV. It is a remake of the Tamil serial as Krishnadasi which aired on Sun TV. The series is produced by Kutty Padmini and Optimystix Entertainment of Vipul D. Shah. The series aired on weekdays for one hour.
Shravan Reddy and Sana Amin Sheikh play the male & female lead roles. The series revolves around the life of a young girl Aradhya, known as the daughter of Tulsi a Devdasi but turns out to be a granddaughter of the biggest Rival of the “Devdasis”. Krishnadasi is the tale describing harsh realities and truths of religious Devdasi customs in a remote village of Krishnavati and lives of Devdasis.
Krishndasi is a love story caught in the backdrop of hatred and conflict due to Aradhya’s lineage of a Devdasi family and her connection with Aryan’s Rao family that has his major anger against Aradhya’s family due to some hidden past. Set in the small hamlet of Krishnavati, where Devdasi custom prevails amid poverty in the village.